Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Content Marketing Checklist for Facebook

Content marketing on social media is far trickier than it is on any other business documents–for the writer as well as the reader. Relying on optimizing through web analytics, link building and keyword density is insufficient without good content. Meeting search expectations requires providing relevant content, whether it is in the form of information, ideas, or an offer. This checklist will prove worthwhile in promoting a company’s image to its optimal capacity.

Merge with Facebook. Adapt to Facebook without losing the company’s unique style and maintaining this uniformity will help identify you in the sea of competition. It is important to distinguish when to use formal and informal communication and it Facebook essentially requires using a casual tone.

Content Marketing Checklist for Facebook

Outline a plan. Planning the content is a useful way to foresee whether the intended target is feasible, since all ideas are feasible enough to implement. Decide what medium will best serve the purpose: whether audio, video or textual. Companies usually prefer to combine them, which serves to lend variety and engage customers.

Be concise and clear. It may be a single sentenced caption for a video or a blog. Unlike hard copies, Facebook content is ‘scanned’ quickly. Even more reason to be brief while conveying the essence in the message. If it is text, then sentences should not be of more than 25 words each. The inverted pyramid style containing a summary of the message is highly recommended by experts.

Maintain high standards. Since Facebook is considered, a casual platform does not mean ignoring the minor. Surveys prove how a user tunes off from a site when noticing a spelling or grammatical error. A company must ensure all content is proofread and edited prior to the content going live.

Personalize with tact. To provide the human aspect, companies have adopted a first-person account as a way of building rapport with the Facebook community. This way, users are able to relate to companies to show empathy and importance to their customers. Balance must be maintained regarding the extent of what is revealed, while maintaining professional boundaries. Internal communication within the company can help prevent embarrassing situations, where the head of the

Department must keep their employees in the know. This will also prevent ambiguous statements from being given by company representatives.

Ask and listen. Facebook is not a means to an end; rather, it is a continuous exchange for the company as well as the customer that requires constant updates and follow-ups by companies.

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