Friday, April 22, 2011

Holiday Island

Holiday Island is sort of like a Sim City, Roller-Coaster Tycoon hybrid. It gives you a chance to build your own island vacation resort, complete with hotels, shops, and recreational facilities - everything you would find at a real resort. You can observe your visitors and see what they like in order to make any necessary changes that would improve you island. Obviously the goal is to make a lot of money, and you do that by pleasing your customers.
Entertaining and a lot of fun, it also incorporates some practical business skills.

The key is to make the most appealing atmosphere with the least cost that will attract a lot of visitors and generate a lot of money.
You have to have good taste and good judgment, as well as patience. Some knowledge about business management would be an awesome background, but it's definitely not necessary. In addition to having good taste, it’s also important to watch your finances, because the money goes quickly, especially if you build or add, expensive, unpopular things. When designing your place, remember what you would see at any upscale resort, and try to mimic it as best as you can, for as cheap as possible. And remember that guests are the most important people. It doesn't matter if you like your got-inspired
theme - they have to too.
Holiday Island is actually very complex for a game, and very life-like. The graphics are very detailed and the sound is pretty good. Overall I really enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone who likes Sim City type games and wants to practice some business skills, as well as have fun. It's not very intense, but it does require a good deal of concentration and work. Once you get into, it's quite addictive.

1 komentar:

zbr said...

More games here

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