If someone asked you to pinpoint which aspect of the spectacular Internet revolution has reached out and touched you the most, you will probably point immediately to the Internet video paradigm. Video on the Net is no longer just another way to communicate using digital multimedia, it has slowly but surely evolved as probably the most effective way to generate more website traffic on your Internet property. The ubiquitous “Play” button has made it possible for thousands of web entrepreneurs and decision-makers like you to trigger exponential website traffic growth on their websites. If you haven’t joined the club and wish to generate more website traffic through video-based e-marketing, you are not alone. Here are a few tips on how you can effectively and effortlessly increase website traffic through a well orchestrated video deployment strategy: The Home Page Advantage and Website Traffic Invest if you can on a well-produced short video of approximately 3-4 minutes to be uploaded on your web hosting server through a link on your home page. The video should anticipate some of the questions site visitors may have about your product or service. It should attempt to answer these questions. Call it video FAQs if you wish. Visitors who arrive on your website are, in most cases, sure to click the “Play” button at least out of curiosity if nothing else. If your Analytics indicates that instead of generating more website traffic, the video happens to be demonstrating alarming bounce rates, it is time to replace your existing video with new digital video content. There is absolutely no reason to feel discouraged if this scenario emerges because it can be quickly corrected with virtually no damage whatsoever to your website’s reputation. Once you have the right video and web content mix in place, the website traffic, which arrives on your home page, will find good reasons to explore your website and find interesting possibilities all of which are designed to increase website traffic. The Wide World of Internet Video Sharing You Tube is only one of hundreds of video sharing websites to which you have free access today. If embedding a video on your home page simply preserves the traffic stream and leads to more sales and conversions, uploading it on video sharing websites will surely generate more website traffic for your site. Create a well-designed and high-impact video landing page complete with title, keywords and description on every video sharing website. The more popular video sharing websites happen to be You Tube, MetaCafe, Mega Video and DailyMotion. Use Google to locate more video sharing websites by using search phrases such as “video sharing website directory” or “video sharing website list.” You can also use paid video uploading services to ensure more website traffic like Traffic Geyser or TubeMogul. Professionally Produced Videos for your Website to Guarantee More Website Traffic If you do not have a proven background in video production, it is best to hire a professionally qualified video production firm that specializes in online videos to produce your clip. The Web is a professional arena today with unprecedented competition levels so it is a good idea to hire the best company you can afford. They will not only test your video on multiple web browsers but will also embed links to your website within the video itself ideally suited to drive more website traffic to your site that happens to be both qualified and targeted in every manner and respect. Thanks for article to More Google TrafficGet More Website Traffic with Web Video Marketing
Beyond the You Tube Revolution
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