Sunday, March 27, 2011

Matta Band

Matta Band

SUNU (Vocalist)
Original Name Sunu Hermaen born in Bandung, 22 November 1980 as a child of five siblings to 4 dr. His father, a contractor that handles bebrapa large corporations and her mother is housewife. Sunu about music since dberumur 3 years, then usually sing accompanied by guitar by his uncle, and since small trout always tape recorded it with his voice because his family liked the music. Sunu graduated from Padjadjaran University in Bandung D3 Management, and prior to join with Matta, coral trout has also been having some band that often play at the cafe - cafe in Bandung.

Dick (Guitar)
His real name Dick Yudha Handika, like other personnel yng Diky Matta has ever melanglangbuana with other bands before joining with Matta, Dick was born in Bandung, 17 August 1980 as the eldest dr two brothers, the couple Gandie Reza and Sri Yanuar a self-employed and housewives. was educated in SMP 13, SMAN 12 Bandung and lectures in Unoad Department of Agriculture. since childhood Diki like play music, especially guitar. Diki had joined a band 'junkhead' hard wing. After a long period of dating finally gain Ikha Dicki last July.

Igoy (Guitar)
One of the Matta personnel who have a flow of blood is Igoy Dlm art, with its original name Yogi Wargana, born as a child to 2 of 3 brothers in Bandung, October 26, 1978, was educated in elementary Sukagalih, junior 28 and SMA 1 Bandung, since small igoy already close to the guitar and taught by his father, had studied at Unjani Igoy Department of Electrical Technique, and then he went to Bandung STBA graduated in 2000, then he went to college at the IKJ Jakarta have time, but soon working as an illustrator igoy Music directly at Buying Radio, Menteng Central Jakarta for 6 years, after that return to Bandung and work in two advertising company that is Altek and Image Production.

Stay (Bass)
Setia Permana, born in Bandung, 24 September 1986, as the youngest dr dr 3 brothers who are very busy parents, so stay more often with the babysitter. was educated in elementary school new life, junior high and high school BPI PGII and now still studying in Unisba semester majoring in Communication Studies 7. In addition to playing bass proficient, stay also adept at playing the drums and guitar as well. Stay achievements to be proud parents by becoming the Best Base se-Bandung Raya and champion 2 in the Champions Festival in the category Bass Instrument on National level in Yogyakarta.

Woxx (Drum)
Woxx with the original name Yadi Bachman, born in Sumedang February 1, 1979 as the youngest dr four brothers, was educated in elementary Sumedang, SMP and SMA 1 Sumedang and studied at the Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University in Bandung. with the spirit of his band jamming woxx follow the advice her parents for the course of music in almost any place in bandung music course, before with Matta, woxx never has 6 Band, among others, On Friday, Wanda and the Canary, with the latter band never recorded and threw woxx compilation album titled It's Never Rock or under the auspices of EMI (2003)
Woxx gain Agsutus Joyce on 2007 yesterday.

Yu-dee (Keyboard)
born in Banjarmasin December 1, 1982 with the original name as the eldest dr Yudi Permana four brothers, was educated in elementary schools, SMP 1 and SMAN 1 Banjarmasin dr band started jamming stage to stage since high school, in 1999-2000 yudee a keyboardist best in the arena Youth Music performances. after graduating high school yudee migrated to Bandung to focus more on jamming band and while studying at Unpas majoring in Accounting, prior to yudee Matta joined the band and gig dr AfterFive cafe to cafe.
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Matta Band Songs :

Ketahuan [Download-zd]
Ada yang marah [Download-zd]

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